The architecture is his job, but to transform the two hundred fifty square meters of La Filanda, Roberto Campa had a brilliant intuition: he created the Concorso di Idee, an ideas competition promoted in collaboration with the Board of Architects of the Province of Lecce.
Many architects and designers from Italy and abroad took part to it: 19 projects presented, more than 70 competitors, all of them “developers of ideas“.
The challenge? To give “La Filanda” a new identity, using furnishings from the original design, and materials, forms and colors in synergy with the culture of the place and territory.
The architects Marco Brianzoli from Milan and Mathieu Michell from Paris presented an original project for the furnishings of La Filanda and won the Concorso di Idee.
They have suggested a comprehensive and coordinated system through the declination of a single formal element (the 3-5 cm strip disposed cutting), which points out that in this place, not so long ago, there was the rearing of silkworms and the precious yarn was produced.
“The principle of composition and aggregation, developed as a repetition of primary elements, has led us to the definition, also from a linguistic point of view, of a real framed system of linear profiles, close, even figuratively, to the uses historically settled of La Filanda.
The weaving of full and empty, the weft made of opacity and transparency, of materials and light, which followed, gave us the opportunity to have, especially in the design of the elements “open wardrobe”, partially diaphanous artifacts, with intrinsic reduced impact and cluttering perception”, this is how the two designers describe their winning project.
Cabinets, beds, bedside tables, desks, tables and chairs are produced, and are the same in the different rooms, having a clean and sober design to complete the austere rooms of the building. They chose wood, simply polished with a natural finish and visible grain; a material full with tradition and common in Salento, reinterpreted in a contemporary way.
“Furniture that could be, at the same time, consistent with the characters and the colors of the existing space, but, through the qualities of the material, shows up as a distinctive and enriching in terms of warmth and hospitality.”.